I'm a wife to the man who won my heart on a chilly February evening years ago. He's a tech guy who is a deep thinker (ISTP); I'm a musician and creative (INFP). We're both intense introverts, which probably explains why we don't attract many friends (haha!). We reside in friendly Durango, Colorado.
I work as a caregiver for toddlers, but my passion lies in songwriting, photography, and writing. These pursuits are primarily done for my own self-expression and personal growth. Over the years, I have learned that I enjoy these creative pursuits the most when done for myself and for my Jesus. So, don't make me perform for you or anyone until I'm ready. :-P Also, I don't collaborate with other musicians or artists very well. Sorry, I am solo because I am so weirdly independent about what I do. :-P
My core identity is that I am a beloved daughter of my Lord Jesus. I find myself on a journey of grace, being transformed from degree of glory to another. This blog is my way of expressing my heart through my own losses and griefs, as well as my joys and passions. Music, writing, and photography are my way of healing, processing, and exploring this terrifying and grand adventure of life.
// I adore herbs and essential oils and comforted by books, tea, and flowers.
// I have a passion for whole foods, nourishing diets, holistic lifestyle choices, emotional well-being, mindfulness, yoga, and green drinks and all things healthy!
// I believe in authentic, safe, and honest relationships not defined by rules, perfection, or expectations. Vulnerability and raw community is what my heart resonates with!
// I love, love, love photo-journalistic lifestyle photography.
// I am a spontaneous writer, who finds the written word very therapeutic.
// I am fascinated by rustic instruments, like the bodrahn, bowed psalteries, mandolin, the hurdy gurdy, ouds, and native american flutes.
// I dream of owning my own homestead someday.
// I enjoy historic costumes (particularly of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Regency periods!) and dream of the day that I will be able to sew my own collection of them,
// I am die-hard fan of the Lord of the Rings and continually inspired by it [extended editions all the way!]. On my wedding day, I walked down the aisle to Enya's Aniron like any true LotR-nerd would!
// I'm an obsessed Outlander addict. Jamie and Claire forever!
// I am forever drawn to the mountains.
My heart is for touching the hearts of others who have been well acquainted with sorrows. I believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to heal, revive, restore, and instruct broken vessels into the image of Yeshua (John 6:63, 14:26, 16:13-15; Rom 8:26). Music and writing are the means by which I long to minister to others in need of rivers of living water (John 7:38) and be a conduit of His grace and life to them. I believe this hard journey called Life is a traveling towards Wholeness not perfection.
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